Ince CE Primary & Nursery School

Ince CE Primary and Nursery School is led by the light of Jesus within us all, guiding us on our individual journeys through life, so that we can grow and learn together to shine as one throughout our wider community. #Let your light shine


Charles Street

01942 704129


Trauma Informed Schools (TISUK)



 Vision: Ince CE Primary School is led by the light of Jesus within us all, guiding us on our individual journeys through life, so that we can grow and learn together to shine as one throughout our wider community. #Let your light shine 


Please select image above for dates of our next TISUK Diploma Course


At Ince CE Primary and Nursery we are proud to have four TISUK Practitioners working at our school as well as a National TISUK Trainer.

Please see below for more information on Trauma Informed Schools UK vision and intent: Trauma Informed Schools UK

Our vision is to provide appropriate training for schools, communities and organisations so that they become trauma informed and mentally healthy places for all.

This means we aim to help children and teenagers BEFORE they get mental health problems – to catch them as they are falling not after they have fallen. Towards this aim we strongly endorse the statement in the Government Green Paper December 2017 Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision, “ There is evidence that appropriately-trained and supported staff such as teachers, school nurses, counsellors, and teaching assistants can achieve results comparable to those achieved by trained therapists in delivering a number of interventions addressing mild to moderate mental health problems (such as anxiety, conduct disorder, substance use disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder)”. We are appropriately training school staff to take on this task.

Our objective is to bring about a whole school /organisational cultural shift where the wellbeing of all is the highest priority. We implement many interventions to ensure the relational and emotional health of all. Our interventions are evidence based with the backing of over 1,000 research studies from psychology and neuroscience.

We also believe that for schools to become mentally healthy places for all, the value of well being has to start at the very top, with organisations such as DFE, Ofsted and the Regional Schools Commissioners balancing the scales between outcomes (test scores) and emotional wellbeing. We are working to ensure that there is national recognition of the importance of monitoring the well being of schools and that Governing Bodies, Trust Boards and Directors make staff wellbeing as well as pupil well being a key performance indicator for our schools.



Mrs Sara Lawrenson 


TISUK National Trainer &

Trained Supervisor
