Ince CE Primary & Nursery School

Ince CE Primary and Nursery School is led by the light of Jesus within us all, guiding us on our individual journeys through life, so that we can grow and learn together to shine as one throughout our wider community. #Let your light shine


Charles Street

01942 704129


Mrs Cath Achilles

Mrs Cath Achilles - Assistant Headteacher

Link Governor for Year 1/ Data Governor/ Children Looked After

I have taught at Ince C of E Primary School since September 2000 after starting my career as a Year 6 teacher at a school in Cheshire. I thoroughly enjoy working at our school, helping the children achieve their potential and supporting the school in providing a quality education for all it's pupils. As a governor, I am able to help in ensuring the well being of both staff and pupils within our school community.


  • Appointed - 01/06/2018
  • Term of Office - 4 years
  • Appointing Body - Elected by staff


Pecuniary/Personal Interests - Parent Governor at Garswood Primary School